BACA Winter Meeting 2024 

Our next meeting is taking place at Aston University. Please see the meetings pages to learn more. 

BACA Meeting Summary Bristol Summer 2023

The Association met for its summer conference on the 6th of July 2023 at the School of Anatomy, University of Bristol. Seventy-two delegates attended the day with eight anatomy related companies sponsoring the event. BACA President, Professor Peter Dangerfield, opened the meeting with sad news of the death of former BACA President Professor Stuart MacDonald. Peter gave a heartfelt talk on Stuart’s professional career as well as his long association with BACA. Stuart’s energy, wit and clarity of thought progressed BACAs aims and objectives during his time as President (2013-2018). Delegates were given a chance to write their memories of Stuart in a remembrance book which will shortly be passed onto his family.

Dr. John Troyer from the Centre for Death at the University of Bath gave a humorous and thought provoking presentation on ‘A brief history of the hyperstimulated human corpse.’ This was followed by 16 oral presentations and 15 poster presentations relating to clinical anatomy and anatomy education. Delegates were treated to a hybrid simulation at the Vesalius Clinical Training Centre as well as a ‘face to face with the forgotten subjects of anatomy’ at the Veterinary Museum. The association dinner was held at The Square Kitchen where delegates could network in a more relaxed atmosphere.

The following prizes were awarded at the meeting.

  • Conrad Lewin oral prize was awarded to Lucas Hutchinson for his talk on 'developing a novel ultrasound protocol to measure movement of the subscapularis tendon in shoulder abduction.'
  • Conrad Lewin poster prize was awarded to Hannah Bridgewater for her poster on 'case report of a superficial femoral artery injury resulting from a sharp bony fragment of the lesser trochanter in an intertrochanteric fracture of the femur: lessons learnt and review of anatomical variations of the SFA.'
  • President's prize for oral presentation was awarded to Abdul-Rahman Gomaa for his talk on 'Does the type of peroneus longus insertion relate to the development of hallux valgus? An anatomical cadaveric study.'

Summary by Bip Choudhury, BACA Meetings Secretary (18.07.23)

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The British Association of Clinical Anatomists trading as BACA (2014) ltd. Company Est. 2014. Registered Office: BACA (2014) ltd, 120 Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5RF. Company number 08986489. Registered Charitable Company Number 1160635. Copyright © 2021 BACA - All Rights Reserved.
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