The third Beat of our series of virtual conferences this year takes place on 16th December 2020. This event will focus on the "Future of Anatomical Education and Training needs in the NHS". We will have plenary speakers and round table discussion. 

Our speakers for this event are: 

  • Dr Helen Taylor MRCP FRCR, University Clinical Anatomist and Consultant Radiologist, Cambridge University Hospitals.
  • Dr Robert H Whitaker MA MD MChir FRCS FMAA, Retired Consultant Paediatric Urologist, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. Anatomy Teacher, University of Cambridge.
  • Mr Mustafa S Rashid MB ChB MRCS MSc DPhil (Oxon), Specialist registrar in Trauma & Orthopaedics, St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London.


Registration is now open..

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Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading provider of information for professionals and students in medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry. 

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - an imprint of Wolters Kluwer - is a leading international publisher of professional health information for physicians, nurses, specialised clinicians and students, providing essential information in a variety of print and electronic formats, from journals and books to digital solutions.

Healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, and students around the world rely on our solutions. Our content is written and reviewed by experts and is authoritative and based on the best available evidence. It is curated and aggregated to be both premier and comprehensive and delivered through powerful tools and technology for fast access to the exact information you need—whether you are learning or teaching in the classroom, treating a patient or conducting research.

More information is available on the Wolters Kluwer website.

3B Scientific

3B Scientific is one of the world's leading manufacturers of medical and science education solutions. Our product portfolio covers a complete and comprehensive range of equipment for simulation and skill training, anatomy, healthcare and patient education, and is continuously updated with new products and innovations.
The brand name 3B Scientific® stands for best quality, best value, and best service. Our mission is to advance medical and healthcare delivery through the quality, breadth and global reach of relevant educational and simulation products.

Adam, Rouilly

Adam,Rouilly offers the complete collection of fine SOMSO® Anatomical Models, the only ones we have supplied since 1927.

SOMSO®’s philosophy is “Nature is Our Model”. Each SOMSO® model demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of accuracy and is produced in close co-operation with established academics.

Adam,Rouilly prides itself in offering customers a personal service to ensure that the selection of SOMSO®models is appropriate for both the institution and academic course content.

All models are assembled and painted entirely by hand with stringent quality controls which maintain workmanship and accuracy. Models come with a full five year warranty which forms part of the renowned Adam,Rouilly after-sales service.

Please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to discuss your training requirements.

von Hagens Plastination

Event Flyer
The British Association of Clinical Anatomists trading as BACA (2014) ltd. Company Est. 2014. Registered Office: BACA (2014) ltd, 120 Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5RF. Company number 08986489. Registered Charitable Company Number 1160635. Copyright © 2021 BACA - All Rights Reserved.
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